Maher Law, Third Floor, 4 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1LD.
Maher Law Limited is incorporated in the Isle of Man, company number 022217V. Registered office: Third Floor, 4 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1LD. Director: Thomas Dermot Maher.
Maher Law Limited is regulated by the Isle of Man Law Society.
Copyright in the content of this website is owned by Maher Law Limited. You are permitted to download and print content from the website solely for your own internal business purposes and/or personal use, but the website content must not be copied, reproduced, retransmitted, used or otherwise dealt with for any other reason without our express prior consent. You may not modify or redistribute the content of this website or reproduce, link or frame it on any other website without our express prior consent.
Our Complaints Policy
Maher Law Limited (Maher Law) is committed to providing high quality legal services to every client. If at any point you feel that this commitment has not been met, we need you to tell us.This will help improve our standards.
Our Complaints Procedures
Any concerns or complaints should be raise das soon as possible in order for us to deal with it efficiently and correctly.Of course, no charges will be raised for complaints discussions about our services. Complaints should be made in writing to our office address, or by email to
Your complaint should set out what you think has gone wrong, with times, dates and copy documents if possible/necessary. You should also set out how, in your opinion, the problem can be addressed and resolved.
What Next?
- We will consider the details of your letter and write back with our initial conclusions. We may ask for further information or explanation of any details you set out. We will also offer a physical or virtual meeting to discuss further.
- If a meeting is not wanted or possible, we will follow up with a detailed written reply to your complaint, with our suggestions for resolving it, within 28 days of receiving your indication that a meeting is not wanted or possible (“Detailed Response”).
- If a meeting is accepted, we will attempt to resolve the complaint there.
- If the complaint cannot be resolved during a meeting, or if a meeting is declined and you remain dissatisfied with our Detailed Response, you should write to us again explaining why this is the case (“Complaint Review”). We have an arrangement with an independent Manx law firm to act on Complaint Reviews. Upon receipt of a Complaint Review, we will arrange for this law firm to review your complaint and our responses.
- This law firm will then contact you within 28 days of receiving the Complaint Review, confirming a final position of your complaint, with reasons (“Final Response”).
If you remain dissatisfied with the Final Response, you should contact the Isle of Man Law Society at 13 Mount Havelock, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2QG or call 01624662910 about your complaint.
Any complaint to the Law Society must usually be made within six months of your receiving the Final Response from us about your complaint.
The Law Society will then review your complaint. We will let you know how long this process may take.
The Law Society has supplied further guidance on its service at
If we must change any of the timescales above, we will let you know and explain why.
Maher Law has received zero complaints which were required to be resolved under our Complaint Procedure during the year 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2024.